ERASMUS+ provides higher education institution students with the possibility of acquiring international experience and knowledge, to train in foreign companies or other corresponding places of employment.
Objectives of the internship mobility are:
– to enable the students and recent graduates to gain practical experience in a company or organization in another European country;
– to help students to adjust the demands of the EU labour market;
– to provide the opportunity for the students and recent graduates to develop special skills, including language skills, and to improve understanding of the economic and social culture;
– to encourage cooperation between higher education institutions and companies;
– to encourage development of well qualified and internationally experienced young people – future professionals.
The internship period may last from 2 to 12 months; it may be combined with Erasmus+ studies by undertaking internship before or after the studies, but not exceeding 12 months in total;
After nomination for student internship/studies a trilateral study contact will have to be filled in to be signed by the internship company, the student and the College. Signature of the internship company on the contract serves as confirmation of the guaranteed internship opportunities for the student. The financial contract shall be signed by the student and the College; it will be confirmed by the Chief Accountant.
Upon return of the student from the internship/studies, in accordance with the signed financial contract a document shall be submitted to the College, confirming the internship/study period abroad, individual report of the student and the experience/success story and photos.
ERASMUS+ scholarship
Erasmus+ program gives the students the opportunity to receive scholarships on the basis of competition and to spend officially recognized study time in foreign partner universities.
The scholarships are intended to help covering the costs related to studying abroad.
Erasmus+ program emphasizes that it provides only part of the funds, needed for the covering of mobility costs. The student must ensure additional funding in advance.
The permitted scholarship limits for the mobility Erasmus+ program for all program countries have been determined by the European Commission.
ERASMUS+ scholarship for internship mobility may be received within the period of a year after completion of the studies, if the application for internship mobility has been submitted during the last study year (upon submitting of the application for internship, it is not required to know the specific company or institution, where the internship will take place)!
The following scholarship rates shall be applied to the student internship:
EUR 520 per month – 1st group of countries (Denmark, Iceland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Finland, Sweden, United Kingdom, Liechtenstein, Norway);
EUR 470 per month – 2nd group of countries (Austria, Belgium, France, Italy, Malta, Germany, Greece, Spain, Cyprus, Netherlands, Portugal);
EUR 420 per month – 3rd group of countries (Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, Macedonia).
Additional funding of EUR 100 per each month of mobility shall be granted in addition to the aforementioned one month scholarship rate.
The following persons are eligible for ERASMUS+ internship:
– students without study and financial debts,
– with good foreign language knowledge and specifically formulated goals for the internship period abroad.
Internship place – the student may go for internship to a foreign company or organization, which is located in any of the Erasmus+ program member countries. Choosing and finding a place for internship is largely a student’s responsibility and task – support, additional information and help can be obtained from the Erasmus + Coordinator.
Students, who have been approved for internship, will receive Erasmus+ scholarship in accordance with the maximum limit of scholarship for each Erasmus+ member country, determined by the European Commission.
Students, nominated for Erasmus+ internships may undertake the internship any time after nomination upon coordination with the requirements of the study programs and agreeing with the Erasmus+ Coordinator regarding the possibility of granting of the scholarship two months before the planned internship period.
If you wish to receive a Europass Mobility Document, you must inform the ERASMUS + Coordinator in advance.
Before going abroad, students must arrange for an EHIC card.
The students, who have already participated in the study or internship mobility before and have received the Erasmus scholarship in the Life Long Learning program (2007-2014) shall be eligible for the ERASMUS+ scholarships as well.
The following conditions shall be met in case of repeated mobility in Erasmus+ program:
– If Erasmus + mobility takes place at the same level of study where the student has previously received an Erasmus scholarships, then the total duration of the mobility at this level of study must not exceed 12 months (calculating the total mobility of studies and internships, including the duration of mobility within Erasmus and Erasmus +);
– Several periods of study mobility and internships mobility are allowed at the one level of study, but their total duration in one study level may not exceed 12 months;
– The minimum period of one study mobility in Erasmus+ program is 3 months, maximum – 12 months in one study level.
OLS (Online Linguistic Support)
Students must undertake assessment of their language skills at the Online Linguistic Support (OLS) site.
Those, who will wish to improve their language skills, will be offered the opportunity to learn languages in online courses. Various vocabulary supplementing, reading, understanding, grammar, pronunciation tasks, online lessons with lecturers, forums, as well as advice from previous Erasmus + participants are available within the framework of the course. Online linguistic support is currently available in English, German, French, Spanish, Italian and Dutch.