Terms of admission
Council meeting of the College of Law 29.10.2020. prot. Nr. 3-01/70, Amendments in the
Council meeting of the College of Law 27.10.2022., prot.Nr.3-01/94; 17.10.2023., prot.Nr.3-01/107
Issued in accordance with
Article 46 of the Law on Higher Education Institutions and
Clause 42 of the Regulation of the College of Law
1. The admission rules regulate the admission procedures and requirements in the short-cycle professional higher education study programs of the College of Law.
2. The admission rules were developed in accordance with Article 46 of the Law on Higher Education Institutions, Cabinet of Ministers Regulation No. 846 (10.10.2006) “Regulations on Requirements, Criteria and Procedures for Admission to Study Programs” and the Study Regulations of the College of Law.
3. Every citizen of the Republic of Latvia and persons who have the right to a non-citizen passport issued by the Republic of Latvia, as well as persons who have been issued a permanent residence permit have the right to study at the College of Law (hereinafter – the CL). Foreigners who apply for distance learning studies do not need a permanent or temporary residence permit.
4. Admission to the CL is organised by the Admission Committee.
5. Admission takes place to full-time and part-time study programmes.
6. Matriculation of students is approved by order of the College of Law director.
7. Admission to short-cycle professional higher education study programs takes place on the basis of documents certifying secondary education and fulfillment of the requirements of the admission rules.7.1. Requirements to the applicants of the study programme “Security and Personal Data Protection”, “Law” (programmes – in English), who have English language skills at least B2 level, have acquired a document issued by an international testing institution (for instance, TOEFL, IELTS, TOIEC” containing words “for instance, TOEFL PBT, IELTS, TOEIC, FCE (First Certificate in English), CAE (Cambridge Certificate of Advanced English), BEC etc.), Foreigners are exempted of the requirement mentioned in this clause, should they have acquired secondary or higher education in the language of the respective study programme
8. Admission to short-cycle professional higher education study programs takes place by competition, based on the results of the centralized exam in the following subjects: Mathematics, Latvian and Foreign Language (English, German, French), except for persons who obtained secondary education before 2004 , as well as persons who obtained secondary education abroad, persons with special needs or persons exempted from taking centralized exams.
9. Persons who obtained secondary education before 2004, persons with special needs and persons who are exempted from the centralized examinations in the application programs, in case of competition, are admitted based on the assessment in the documents certifying the secondary education in the subjects: Latvian language and Foreign language (English language , German, French). Persons who obtained secondary education before 2008 are accepted in the event of a competition based on the assessment in the documents certifying secondary education in the subject of mathematics. The evaluations are equated to the evaluations of the centralized exams in accordance with regulation 13.1. point.
10. Admission procedure of the CL consists of:
10.1. registration for studies;
10.2. matriculation in studies.
11. When registering for studies, applicants shall:
11.1. fill in the application form;
11.2. present their passport or identity card;
11.3. submit a document certifying the change of name and surname, if the applicant’s name and surname differ in one of the mandatory documents to be presented and passport;
11.4. submit a diploma of secondary education and a transcript of records; applicants who obtained secondary education abroad, submit a document certifying secondary education and the opinion of the Academic Information Centre on equating the acquired education to the level of secondary education;
11.5. submit a document attesting the previously obtained higher education (if any);
11.6. submit 3 photo cards (3×4);
11.7. conclude a learning agreement.
11.8. the documents referred to in Clauses 9.2–9.5 are copied and stored in the student’s personal file. The originals remain with the applicant.
11.9. foreign applicants who are not citizens of EU/EEA or Swiss Confederation countries must submit a temporary residence permit in the Republic of Latvia in addition to the submitted documents. Foreign applicants from the countries of the EU/EEA and the Swiss Confederation must register with the Directorate of Citizenship and Migration Affairs within 3 months if the foreigner will stay in Latvia for more than 3 months.
12. According to Cabinet of Ministers Regulation No. 932 (16.11.2004) “Procedure for starting studies in later study stages”, persons who have previously studied in other higher education institutions or CL can apply for studies in later study stages.
13. In the event that the number of applicants is greater than the planned number of places of study, then the admission of applicants takes place on a competitive basis. The competition is based on computerised aggregation of points according to grading levels and grades in the secondary education document for applicants who have not passed centralised examinations.
13.1. Grading levels:
Level of centralized exams from 2013 | Level of centralized exams until 2012 | Grade in the 10-point system | Grade in the 5-point |
system EVKL levels
Points |
91% – 100% | A | 10 | 5 | C2, C1 | 10 |
81% – 90% | A | 9 | 5 | B2 | 9 |
71% – 80% | B | 8 | 5 | B2 | 8 |
61% – 70% | C | 7 | 4 | B1 | 7 |
51% – 60% | D | 6 | 3 | – | 6 |
41% – 50% | D | 5 | 3 | – | 5 |
31% – 40% | E | 4 | 2 | – | 4 |
0% – 30% | F | 3 | 1 | – | 3 |
13.1.2. The results of the centralized exams obtained in accordance with the regulatory enactments that were in force until the Cabinet of Ministers’ regulation of September 3, 2019 No. 416 “Regulations on national general secondary education standards and samples of general secondary education programs” and Cabinet of Ministers Regulation of June 2, 2020 No. 332 “Regulations on the state vocational secondary education standard and the state vocational education standard” as of the day of entry into force, are equated to the centralized exams of the optimal learning content level and a coefficient of 0.75 is applied to them, equating them to the centralized exams of the highest learning content level”.
13.2. The number of applicants enrolled in the College on a competitive basis corresponds to the number of study seats. In the case of an equal number of points, the applicant with a smaller agreement number will benefit. The competition of the College of Law may not be held if the number of applicants does not exceed the number of study seats approved by the CL Board.
13.3. Lists of matriculated students are published at the CL Student Portal (jk.lv).
13.4. The decision of the admissions commission on student matriculation can be challenged within 5 (five) working days by submitting an application to the CL director. The decision of the CL director can be appealed in accordance with the procedure established by the Law on Administrative Procedure.
14. Applicants are registered during the working hours of the CL Admission Committee.
15. The registration of applicants for studies takes place taking into account the start term set by the Cabinet for the registration of applicants and admission to universities and colleges in the first year of study after obtaining secondary education.
16. The deadline for registration and admission of students, the time and place of admission are determined by the order of the Director of the College of Law.
17. When applying for studies, applicants pay the study fee in accordance with the amount specified in the Study Fee Regulations of the College of Law
18. If the number of applicants in one of the study programmes, study forms or study types is insufficient to make a group, the implementation of the study programme shall not be commenced and the applicant shall be notified within three working days from the last day of registration of applicants.